Scheduling Change & Marketing Update

Well, Reiki 2, scheduled for this weekend, has been canceled. Reiki 1 for next week is still on, as is the rest of the summer schedule.

It’s hard to find students when you don’t advertise. *insert smiley face here* I can only laugh at myself. Running a business has been so much harder than I expected. Keeping up with the small stuff, like marketing, has been tough, when dealing with a kid, preschool camp obligations (love it! but still time and energy consuming), house hunting for a friend, and just the everyday business of life. These aren’t reasons or excuses, just what is in my life. Other moms run successful businesses with these same issues, and I expect that I will learn to as well. It just might take me a while. I’m learning not to stress so much about it but to enjoy the journey, which I suspect is the lesson I need to take from it.

I’m on Twitter now. My updates are in the sidebar on the left. They aren’t showing up the way I’d like or the way they were in the example at, but I’ve spent too much time fussing with it already. The Flash one didn’t work, one day I’ll figure out why. (I’m guessing I don’t have Flash installed on my site but don’t know/care how to remedy that right now. Anyone know?) If you’re on Twitter, feel free to follow me! I’m @SusieJuju. See you there!

Now the Facebook badge on the left takes you directly to my professional Facebook page. Be my fan!

I’m also posting my classes on Your Community Check them out when you’ve got a chance. They are a great resource for alternative and holistic information in the Charlotte, NC region.



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