A Puppy, Not a Guppy: Interview with Noah

Welcome back to our little part of the blog-o-sphere. Noah and I are teaming up again to help our friend Holly Jahangiri with the launch of her latest book, A Puppy, Not a Guppy.

Now, you do want to read all the way to the end because there is a contest you can enter for your own AUTOGRAPHED COPY OF THE BOOK! Read on….

Last time Holly released one of her wildly successful books–and if we still talk about it at our house a year later, then it’s a huge success–(oh yeah, she did sell a bunch, too! Go buy Trockle here if you have a kiddo afraid of monsters), Noah interviewed Trockle, the monster the book is named after.

We decided to do something a bit different this time.

Keep reading for information about that contest….

Go grab a cup of your favorite hot chocolate and snuggle in your favorite chair. Go ahead. We’ll wait. Ours is heating up too.

*la la la la la la la, la la la la LA lalalalalalalala* Ding!

Oh, you’re back. Great. Let’s get started.

Noah and I read the book together. Then we talked about how to help Holly again and decided that I would interview Noah this time.

Here’s what we’re talking about:

Susan: I’m Noah’s mom.

Noah: She’s my mom. I’m 7.

Susan: Noah, tell me about A Puppy, Not a Guppy.

Noah: Puppies are outdoor pets.

Susan: Says who?

Noah: Because they can tear up furniture. They can come inside if they are trained.

Susan: Did you like the book?

Noah: Yes.

Susan: *laughing* OK, why?

Noah: Because it’s awesome and I like fish and dogs. And I have fish.

Susan: Want to tell our readers about our fish?

Noah: Yes! We have big fish and little fish. We have barbs. (What are they called mom?) Oh yeah, rosy barbs and yellow barbs that are kind of like guppies.

Susan: Talk about Irma’s fish.

Noah: They learned a trick by passing a stick in the water.

Susan: Did Irma even want fish at the beginning of the book? Why?

Noah: No, because she didn’t like fish. She wanted a puppy.

Susan: Do you think she liked her guppies by the end of the book? Think she still wanted a puppy?

Noah: Yes. And no, she didn’t want a puppy at the end.

Susan: I saw you at our fish tank trying to get our fish to follow your finger. How did that go?

Noah: No. Our fish just swam.

Susan: Think we should get some guppies? Would you like to train them?

Noah: Yes, and yes.

Susan: Think we should get a puppy? What would Daddy say?

Noah: Yes, and Daddy would say no.

Susan: Maybe one day we can have guppies and puppies in our house. Until then, we’ll just have to enjoy your pictures. Tell me about it.

Noah: It’s Irma’s room.


And now a word from our sponsor:

The Contest

Prizes (two will be awarded): One autographed copy of A Puppy, Not a Guppy.

Contest Rules

To enter, leave a comment at http://jahangiri.us/books containing verifiable evidence that you have completed one or more of the following activities:

  • A link back to one or more of the other blogs that Irma and her Guppies have visited.
  • A short review of http://jahangiri.us/books or http://jahangiri.us/news on Alexa.com ( http://www.alexa.com/reviews/jahangiri.us )
  • A question for one of the characters in Trockle or A Puppy, Not a Guppy
  • A question for the author, Holly Jahangiri
  • Answer to the question: What kind of pet do you like best, and why?
  • Either of the following:
    • Blog about A Puppy, Not a Guppy (be sure to include, in your own blog post, a link back to http://jahangiri.us/books and a link to this blog; or
    • If you already own a copy of Trockle or A Puppy, Not a Guppy, you may complete this activity by posting a new review of either book on BarnesandNoble.com or Amazon.com. (NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Previously posted book reviews are not eligible as contest entries in this contest.)

Each activity equals one (1) entry, and you may do each activity once for a possible maximum of six (6) entries per valid email address. Your comment must be entered using a valid email address so that you can be contacted for mailing info if you win! Entries that do not have a valid email address will be considered null and void.

Duration: Contest begins at 12:01 AM on December 9, 2009 and ends at 11:59 PM on December 15, 2009. Winners will be drawn on December 16, 2009.

Eligibility: Contest is open to anyone age 13 or older. Tour hosts are eligible to enter.

Winners: Two winners will be randomly chosen (numbered in the order in which they are received, with the winning number chosen at http://www.random.org/ ) from all qualifying entries, and will be required to provide a physical mailing address in order to collect a prize (one free book). Only one entrant per household is eligible to win. If a second entrant from a single household is chosen, another name will be drawn until all prizes are awarded.

Contest void where prohibited by law.

That be the end of the contest. What fun! Go enter now!

Feel free to post comments & questions for Holly, Irma, Irma’s fish, Noah, Susan, and their fish. We’ll be around all day (except the kids during school hours)!

And last but not least,


Directly from 4RV Publishing at http://4rvpublishingllc.com/Childrens_Books.html (always the best choice to buy from the publisher. Check for Holiday sales!)

Amazon.com at http://www.amazon.com/Puppy-Not-Guppy-Holly-Jahangiri/dp/0984070850

Barnes and Noble at http://search.barnesandnoble.com/A-Puppy-Not-a-Guppy/Holly-Jahangiri/e/9780984070855/?itm=1

(there are no referral fees paid to me from these links)

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